I haven't (until now) plugged what happens at the UUA's Washington Office. I feel the need to keep some semblance of separation between my personal opinions as a UU in this blog and my status as an employee of the UUA. But this is just too exciting to not mention. While I was away on vacation in Alaska, the UUA took on it's biggest online advocacy campaign ever. We are attempting to collect 25,000 signatures witnessing for Peace.
The United Church of Christ (our religious cousins, the UCC) has been collecting signatures against the war in Iraq and they've invited us to join them. On October 10th, both Rev. John Thomas, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, and our UUA President, the Rev. Sinkford, will be visiting Congress to deliver a stack of petitions. The petitions we have signed.
Given that Congress is demonstrating an appalling lack of moral backbone with respect to funding this war, our liberal religious voice calling for peace is more important than ever. Together, we are not just a lone voice crying out in the wilderness. Together, we have power. Let Congress know what you think of this war. Sign the petition today!
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